Top Career Options after Class 12


The current generation has started seeing things differently. How they define career has changed drastically when we compare it to the previous generations. Now, it’s neither about prestige nor about earning a monthly fixed income. Career is now all about passion. Students of this generation are now able to understand that they could do something better than an 8-hour desk job. But, what that could be!

Despite learning the favourite courses after completing graduation, pursuing the diploma or degree in the field you love makes more sense.  So, here are some unique career options that students can opt for, after class 12.

Fine Arts

If creativity is your thing and you love sketching and drawing, then Fine Arts is for you!

What is Fine Art?

Fine Art is a creative art that you choose to express something in a beautiful and clear way. Fine Arts include dancing, painting, photography, architecture, printmaking, interior design, drama and more. It is the study & making of visual works of art and it can be in different forms!

After completing a one-year diploma course in Fine Arts, you can go with a degree, PG, and PhD too! The duration of Fine Art courses varies from 1 – 5 years.

Culinary Arts

This is for you if you love cooking, especially professional cooking and related things.

What are Culinary Arts?

Culinary Arts are the cuisine arts of food preparation, cooking, and presentation of food in an effective manner. It is also about the table art (table manners). After completing the course, you can make a career in the field of food and beverage management, kitchen management, hospitality, and other foodrelated works.

The Under Graduation (UG) level course will take 3 years to complete and the duration of PG level course is 3 years. So, if you want to complete your PG in Culinary Arts, it takes 6 years.

Fashion Designing

Fashion has become a part of our life and so career opportunities are also increasing every year. Though we have many fashion designers around the globe, very less are professionals. So, the students who pursue Diploma, degree, and PG can attain their dream job easily. Fashion designing covers the design, fabric, texture, quality of fashion goods, manufacturing process and creativity.

The duration for Diploma in Fashion Technology is 1 year while Under Graduation will take 3 – 4 years, depending on the course. The Post Graduation will take 2 years. So, to attain the Post Graduation, it takes 6 to 7 years. However, you can stop at Diploma or Under Graduation and can find suitable opportunities, if you do not want to make it long.

Web Designing and Development

Every business needs an online presence today and that can happen only through websites. Though a few businesses start on social media websites like Facebook and Instagram, it is obvious that one should have a professional website to make people understand they are serious about business.

When there is a requirement of new websites every day, there is also a need for web designers. So, web designing is ever exploring. Web designing and development includes websites design and development, creating graphic designs, images etc. The duration of Master’s Degree in web designing and development is 2 years.

Forensic Sciences

Forensic science is the application of scientific knowledge and methodology to criminal investigations and legal problems. Forensic science is used to enforce criminal laws and regulations and to resolve civil disputes. Forensic scientists collect, preserve, and examine physical evidence during an investigation.

After completing class 12, one can go with Under Graduation in Forensic sciences and the duration is 3 years. For PG, the duration is 2 years and for Doctoral course, the duration is 3 years.


Photography is a passion for many but most of them won’t pursue it as a full-time education as they do not know they have the option to do that. Photography is the art and science of taking photographs and processing it. You can pursue a Degree and PG in photography after completing class 12!

The duration of Bachelor Degree in photography is 3 years while PG takes 1- 3 years, depending on the institute.

Mass Communication

Mass Communication course helps you learn how to convey the information related to individuals to reach a huge audience through some kind of medium. If writing or speaking to the masses is your favourite, this is for you.

After the completion of class 12, you can do a Diploma course which goes for 1 year or you can pursue a Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communications and the duration is 3 years. After a Bachelor Degree, you can do Post Graduation (1 year) or a Master degree (2 years).

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